You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Select A Contact Method Below REQUEST A MEETING EVENT INVITATION THERE OUGHT TO BE A LAW EMAIL SENATOR District or Capitol Meeting Request Form District or Capitol Meeting Please fill out this form if you would like to have a meeting with Senator Ashby. Meeting Organizer On behalf of organization List of Clients Number of attendees and include names Requested by Topic or Purpose of Meeting and Issues to be Discussed Bill number and position (if any) Committee request falls under Please enter preferred dates and time. Date Time Date meeting must take place by Preferred Location of Meeting District Capitol Virtual Meeting Other Location Details Provide details about the location such as venue, parking, and/or any other important details Provide Agenda Information Provide details about the location such as venue, parking, and/or any other important details Address of Requested Location City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code If the Senator is not available, are you interested in meeting with staff? Yes No Contact Name Contact E-mail Contact Cell Phone Provide Agenda Information Attach Supporting Document (i.e. Flyers, info, agendas, etc.) One file only.200 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, pptx, . Event Request Request Form Event Request Please fill out this form if you would like to invite Senator Ashby to an event. Organizer Contact Name Organizer Email Organizer Contact Phone Day of Event Contact Name Day of Event Cell Phone Host Organization Host organization website Description of host organization Event name No. of Attendees Provide an estimate Type of event (conference, panel, forum, festival) Event Date Event Venue & address Room/Hall Zoom Link (if applicable) Arrival Time Request Arrival time for Sen. Ashby. Event Start Event End Would you like the Senator to speak? Yes No If the Senator is not available, would you like staff to attend on her behalf? Yes No Senator/Staff Role Speech Start Time How many minutes will she speak? Add time in minutes Provide Speech Topic/Key Points May she leave after speaking? Yes No Provide Agenda Information Agenda/Run of show for event One file only.200 MB limit.Allowed types: pdf, docx, pptx, xlsx. Will Event Be Open to Media? Yes No Indoor or Outdoor Event Indoor Outdoor Will she be standing or sitting? Standing Sitting Suggested Attire May she bring a guest Yes No Who Will Be In The Audience? Include Names Of Other Electeds/Notable Attendees Parking Details (reserved spot, valet, garage, metered) Email Senator Need to Email the Senator? There Ought To Be A Law Have A suggestion That Ought To Be A Law? Please fill out this form if you would like to suggest an idea for a bill. Name Address City Zip Email Proposed Law What is the problem that needs a legislative solution? Is there an existing law to which you are proposing changes? Use bill number or code section, if known. What is your solution? Please provide proposed language, if any. Be as detailed as possible. Background Information: Please include any studies, reports, specific code sections, newspaper articles, personal experience, or anecdotal evidence relating to your proposal. Who do you think would support this proposal? Who do you think would oppose this proposal? Leave this field blank