senate district 08 newsroom

sen. ashby E-Updates

An update from Senator Ashby - January 2025

I hope this communication finds you well and off to a promising start in the New Year. I am reaching out with an update on how things are going in our Senate District, which covers most of Sacramento County, including the Cities of Sacramento and Elk Grove and many unincorporated areas of Sacramento County.

Join Senator Ashby, Mayor Steinberg and Councilmember Talamantes for a Town Hall Join Senator Angelique V. Ashby, Mayor Darrell Steinberg and Councilmember Karina Talamantes for a Town Hall
Open for a list of fun holiday events in Senate District 8 ​The Holiday Season is upon us, and it’s my hope that you are able to spend time with your family and loved ones this year.
Happy Thanksgiving! As we head into the season of gratitude, I want to take a moment to thank you for giving me the opportunity to represent you. Being in the California State Senate is the honor of a lifetime.
Legislative Update

A few updates and some fast facts as we close out the last few days of session. Yesterday, the Legislature held the last Appropriations Committee hearing of the year.

Senate District 8 Budget Update Now that the Governor has signed the 2023-24 State Budget, I wanted to send an update about what it includes, and how great it is for us here in Senate District 8.
Join Senator Ashby for a Winter Storm Recovery Town Hall

This year's winter storms brought massive amounts of rain and high winds to the Sacramento Region. As a result, my office, along with the City of Elk Grove, City of Sacramento and Sacramento County will be hosting a free Winter Storm Recovery Town Hall. This town hall will provide resources you may find useful if you've had damage or have any questions regarding community cleanup or storm recovery.