SB 307 – Debt Free College for Foster Youth SB 307, Fostering Futures, makes debt-free college a reality for former foster youth in California, covering all of their unmet needs in California community colleges or four-year universities, including books, food, and lodging. In its first year of implementation, over 800 additional former foster youth enrolled in college.
This bill is called the Patric Brian Ashby Act, as it is named in honor of my late father, who dedicated his career to improving the lives of foster youth across the State of California.
SB 321 – Youth Literacy Act SB 321, the Youth Literacy Act, based on a successful City of Sacramento and Sacramento Public Library model program, facilitates partnerships between public libraries and elementary schools to ensure every third grader in the state has a library card and access to a public library.
SB 350 – Student Support for Mental Health & Bereavement SB 350 increases the amount of days that a student can be excused from school due to the death of an immediate family member to attend a funeral service, grieve, or obtain trauma assistance.
SB 374 – California Firefighters’ Memorial Park Restoration Act SB 374 creates additional revenue for the California Fire Foundation to renovate and update the California Firefighters’ Memorial in Capitol Park to honor firefighters lost in the line of duty.
SB 578 – Trauma-Informed Harm Reduction Model SB 578 seeks to reduce the harm a child endures from being separated from their family through a court proceeding. The bill establishes a trauma-informed analysis be provided to judges by a social worker in advance of any removal decision. The bill was sponsored by Juvenile Court Judges and has already had a positive impact in the courtroom. The bill neither seeks to increase nor decrease removals, but rather to assist judges in having accurate and detailed options and information – allowing for the best possible outcome in every instance of such a hearing.
SB 659 – Groundwater Recharge Action Plan SB 659 directs the Department of Water Resources to provide recommendations for increasing groundwater recharge opportunities, thereby stabilizing California’s groundwater supply and enhancing climate resilience, greatly impacting for the better, Sacramento’s water access and resilience.
SB 788 – Cider and Perry Equity in Manufacturing SB 788 allows craft brewers across California to increase production via concurrently held cider, perry, and beer licensing, creating parity with large manufacturers and supporting small business growth in the craft beer industry, particularly in Sacramento.