Senator Ashby Announces Five Bills Signed by Governor
For Immediate Release: October 08, 2023
Media Contact: Michelle.Sherwood-Baker@sen.ca.gov
SACRAMENTO, CA – Senator Angelique V. Ashby (D-Sacramento) released a statement after five of her bills--SB 321 (Youth Literacy Act), SB 350 (Student Support for Mental Health and Bereavement), SB 374 (Firefighter Memorial Park Restoration Act), SB 578 (Trauma-Informed Harm Reduction for Youth), and SB 659 (California Water Supply Solutions Act of 2023) – were signed by Governor Newsom this evening. He also vetoed SB 731, her Return to Office Employee Notification Act.
“I’d like to thank the Governor for signing these important bills that will help improve student literacy rates and support student mental health, protect the state from drought, renovate and update the California Firefighters’ Memorial, and reduce trauma among youth,” said Senator Ashby. “I am disappointed that SB 731 was vetoed, but I remain steadfast in my commitment to addressing the issues that impact the most vulnerable among our workforce, especially working moms.”
Senate Bill 321, the Youth Literacy Act, partners with the State Library to facilitate partnerships between local public libraries and elementary schools to issue Student Success Cards to third grade students in order to help ensure that all children, regardless of socioeconomic status, can succeed in school and life through education by creating public library partnerships with schools, connecting every third grader in California to their public library.
Senate Bill 350, Student Support for Mental Health and Bereavement, increases the amount of days a student shall be excused from school from one to five days when the absence is for attending funeral services, grieving the death of the student’s immediate family member, or obtaining victim services for violence or abuse.
Senate Bill 374, The Firefighter Memorial Park Restoration Act, increases funding for the California Fire Foundation to renovate and update the California Firefighters’ Memorial in Capitol Park by bringing the fees paid by firefighters for a firefighter license plate in line with other specialty plates.
Senate Bill 578, Trauma-Informed Harm Reduction, seeks to reduce the harm a child endures by requiring a trauma-informed analysis be provided to judges in advance of any decision to remove a child from their home.
Senate Bill 659, The Groundwater Solutions Act of 2023, addresses future drought by making increased groundwater storage a reality in California.
Senate Bill 731, The Return to Office Employee Notification Act, which was vetoed, would have required employers in California to provide at least 30 days' notice to employees who work remotely before requiring them to return to in-person work.
About Senator Angelique V. Ashby
Senator Angelique V. Ashby represents Sacramento County. She is the first woman elected to represent the metropolitan area of Sacramento in the State Senate in more than 20 years. She was elected to the Sacramento City Council in 2010. She was the sole woman for more than half of her 12 year tenure and the only member in city history to serve as Vice Mayor or Mayor pro Tem for 8 years. She is a graduate of McGeorge School of Law, and earned her baccalaureate at the University of California at Davis. She and her husband Zac have three children and live in the City of Sacramento.
For more information, visit Senator Ashby’s Website here or find her on Twitter at @SenatorAshby